Dr. Arkasubhra Ghosh
GROW Research Laboratory

From the Director

A basic research team was formed at Narayana Netralaya Foundation (NNF) with the aim of utilizing the large inflow of patients here for strategic patient-directed biomedical research for early diagnosis, prevention and therapy. This highlights the primary research goals for GROW- (Genes, repair and regeneration at ophthalmic workstation), with a tagline of “bridging bench to the clinic”. The overall aim is to establish NNF as a center of excellence for basic and translational research as well as establish technological platforms. The research at GROW labs is undertaken in major ophthalmic disease areas covering both clinical and basic research aspects of the various target diseases. We seek to harness the information derived from the huge patient base at the hospital system to ask relevant biomedical questions. We derive rational scientific projects based on patient data which are followed up with basic research investigations. The basic research will uncover mechanisms underlying disease pathology, which will be further confirmed by in vitro or in vivo preclinical models. The genetic and molecular basis of the diseases will then be validated within patient cohort clinical data followed by design of gene and stem cell therapies. Such results yield biomarkers of diagnostic and prognostic value as well as potential therapeutic intervention points. Aside from this, gene and stem cell therapy technologies are developed concurrently as a general platform to directly start research on preclinical disease models for testing efficacy, safety etc. The long term goal will be to establish a solid foundation of preclinical research that can serve as a platform for future clinical trials.

Dr. Abhijit Sinha Roy
IBMS Laboratory

From the Director

It is said that an eye is the window to the health of a human body. Thus, imaging of the eye plays an extremely important role in management of ocular diseases. The Imaging, Biomechanics and Mathematical Modelling solutions (IBMS) lab at the Narayana Nethralaya Foundation seeks to discover and establish novel disease related and treatment derived changes in ocular tissues in a vast spectrum of patients visiting the Narayana Nethralaya (NN) eye hospital. We seek to develop novel imaging devices as well as customized image processing algorithms for real time deployment in the clinics. Due to the close collaboration between the researchers in the IBMS team and NN clinicians, we work at the leading edge of ocular research and seek to translate the R&D for mass usage all over the world. We work on imaging aspects of both the anterior and posterior part of the human eye and are particularly focused on evaluation of longitudinal changes in ocular tissues through advanced imaging such as ultra-wide field fundus, ultra-high resolution optical coherence tomography, adaptive optics and dynamic vascular imaging.

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